Browsing by Subject "Geschichte"
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(1999) -
(2015) -
Riskante Projekte? : Ökonomische Praktiken und Mobilität von Händlerinnen in der Kolonie New Netherland
(2016)This paper discusses economic practices of women in the Dutch colony New Netherland. As letters, court records and engravings show, women of the 17th century were involved in the colonial transatlantic and global trade of ... -
Studentinnen und Professorinnen in der Mathematik
(2009)In Germany, mathematics is widely considered a male fi eld of interest even though nearly half of the university students in mathe maticsare female. More and more women drop out during the early stages of their academic ... -
Verheissungsvolle Berichte und suggestive Karten : Die englischen und niederländischen Nordostpassagen-Expeditionen des 16. Jahrhunderts zwischen Erfolg und Scheitern
(2016)From a modern perspective, the English and Dutch expeditions into the northern seas in the 16th century that set out to discover new shipping routes from Europe to Asia have thoroughly failed: Neither of them ever reached ... -
Völkische Frauenbilder